Title: Life is aRace of Endurance
Life is often viewed as a race, with the objective of reaching the finish line as quickly as possible. However, this perspective overlooks the importance of endurance and perseverance. In reality, life is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a test of stamina, resilience,...
A behind the scene look into the making of Gravel Soldiers
Gravel Soldiers is a culmination of a lifetime's worth of message. A book that recalls some harrowing, hilarious, and life-changing experiences. I have shared my memoir in hopes of inspiring change in others. The same change that has thrown me into the right course--a...
The Rebellious Era: Exploring the Wild Lives of 1950s Bad Boys
The 1950s was an era of conformity, but amidst the post-war prosperity, a subculture emerged – the bad boys. They were rebellious, rejecting societal norms, and embracing a lifestyle that revolved around drugs, sex, music, alcohol, cars, and motorcycles. The 1950s...
Echoes of Change: Journeying Through the Turmoil of the Decades
The fifties were marked by rigidity and strictness, especially for a baby boomer like myself. Growing up in such a structured environment, it felt like the world was painted in black and white, with rules carved in stone. But then, like a bolt from the blue, Elvis...